Saturday, August 10, 2013

August butterflies

It's swallowtail season.

Tiger swallowtail on butterfly bush

We have skippers too.

Unidentified skipper on hosta

Location:Wheaton MD


This meal used recipes from Laxmi's Vegetarian Kitchen:

Eggplant and tomatoes;
potatoes with peas and raisins;

The jalapeƱos, eggplant, okra and tomatoes came from the Wheaton Farm Market, where I found these great peppers a week later:

Blue morning glory at last

Suburban wildlife

At the post office:
Canada geese strolling on Amherst Ave.

In the yard:
Backyard bunny

Quincy MA:

Snail on sidewalk

Natural and strange

Fasciation in Oenothera (Maine 7/13)

Aster yellows deformity in Echinacea (Maryland 8/13)

Odd zinnia: